The problem...
A lot of guys want to know how to pass a woman’s tests. There are 2 main types of test a woman will commonly give you. This article will deal with the first type, and a future article will explain the second. But first let me explain what I mean by “test”. A test is any time a woman says or does something to see how you react. In this situation your reaction will either immmediatly lead to her gaining more respect and attraction for you, or loosing respect and attraction for you. These tests can come in many different forms. The following list should give you an idea of what form this test may be:
- She challenges you over something you said/did
- She unexpectely cancels a date
- She insults you
- She asks for a favour, such as buying her a drink
- She asks a subtle favour to see if you respect yourself – e.g. asking you to hold her drink/purse, when there is a shelf or table next to you both.
- She flirts with other guys infront of you
- She acts crazy/bitchy to see if you’ll put up with her behaviour
- She doesn’t call/text you back
- She give you a quick rebuttal to your advance – e.g. saying she has a boyfriend/is a lesbian, when really she isn’t
- She suddenly flares up in anger at you
So you are probably wondering why the hell would a woman test you with these horrible things? Why would a woman test you at all?
The truth is that she isn’t thinking at all. These are unconscious for her, and are almost a flinch reaction on her part. She is not actually trying to be manipulative, bitchy, or nasty. Her testing you, is normally a reaction to her own feelings of attraction towards you, and feeling vulnerable about herself and the situation.
However this doesn’t change the fact that if you fail the test (even though she doesn’t realise its a test), then she will loose attraction for you (even though she doesn’t realise why).
Although it may not feel like it at the time, it is actually a woman showing her vulnerability and maybe nervousness that drives these tests. It stems from every woman’s desire for a rock solid, masculine guy. A man who will be the rock in the middle of her stormy sea. A quote that seems to flirt it’s way around Facebook is the following from Marilyn Monroe:
I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
Does that not sum up perfectly everything I’ve been saying so far? She is testing your strength, your attraction to her, to see if you can stand the heat in the kitchen, so to speak.
The truth is that women get just as nervous and insecure as men, if not far more so. This sort of testing is not her trying to show off to the other women in the bar. It’s almost never her tearing you down for her own entertainment. It just her unconcious reaction to the situation your and her are in, and the wirlwind of emotions it is causing you both.
The way to pass a woman’s tests
The most important step in learning how to pass a woman’s tests, is to stop getting emotionally affected by it. Dont get annoyed. Don’t get angry. Don’t try and “punish” her behaviour. You’ll never get a girl when you’re seething with anger! Control your emotions. Instead, remove some of your attention from her and seem distracted.
Often this will be enough to pass the test. Dont be affected by it, then change the topic of the conversation. Easy. It’s like she is your bratty little sister who is playing up. You dont really care, so you don’t try to win the argument. You can’t be bothered.
She tells you you look gay? Dont even react. Or tell her you thought she was a lesbian and you are now less interested in her that you know she is straight (said with a very cheeky smile).
She gives you shit over text? Don’t reply for 5 hours, and then ignore it even happened.
Any situation where you are being tested: act like you didn’t even notice. And then carry on.
However sometimes it will require more than that. In case it needs to be said, a woman is attracted to a man who speaks his mind and stands up for himself, who doesn’t tiptoe around situations to keep everyone comfortable. Sometimes comfort is not your friend when dealing with the fairer sex. A future article will deal with the topic of creating and reinforcing boundaries… but for now, practise not even noticing these tests.
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