Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to never run out of things to say?

How to never run out of things to say? In Brief: speak about anything, but speak about it with excitement and passion. What you say will be interesting, and you will captivate whoever is listening.
How to never run out of things to say In detail: Words are both really important, and not very important. They are not very important in that they are a tiny part of being attractive – everyone has heard that communication is 93% body language and voice tone, and only 7% the words you say. In my experience, that’s true. The words you say aren’t that important.

However in truth, that 7% can be the tipping point between not being attractive, and being really attractive. It can be the final straw, if you like.

And there lies the problem for too many guys. You bore the girl, her attraction drops and you loose her. Running out of things to say is one of the most common problems I hear all the time. So what do loads of guy do? They try to cover it up with memorising fun games and routines so they have a ready made stock of things to say to a pretty lady. They try to cover up their lack of good social skills with hours of preparation instead. This strategy unanimously falls short of it’s goals. Because at some point, you always run out of memorized material, and you then look even more awkward.

But the actual content of the words you are saying is important too. Obviously talking to a girl about the weather for hours isn’t going to work. She isn’t going to be interested in you talking about sport, is she? And god forbid you talk about that interesting drink you saw her drinking earlier. None of these will work. Obviously.

Or will they?

You see, the solution to never running out of things to say, is to do this. The solution to running out of things to say, is to say whatever comes to your mind – no matter how random the thing you think of is. Jump around topics. It’s fine. But like I said earlier, years of experience have shown most guys that this leads to boring and/or weird conversations. It leads to us seeming boring, and loosing the hottie in front of us.

Well here’s the secret. Be interested and excited about the random stuff you are talking about, and put some creativity into your language.

So don’t say “I love your red shoes”, say “Say I love your red shoes, they look amazing”.

Or make it more creative. “I love your red shoes. They’re so bright. If you put little blue LEDs on them, they could be like mini fire engines!”

I’m sure you’ll agree, the above examples sound pretty dumb. But the secret is the passion in your voice, the excitement. How much passion and excitement? Depends on the energy of the venue. If you are in a coffee shop on a date, then not too much. If you are in a loud dance club, loads. Pile that excitement on in spades.

This is how to be interesting. Be excited and passionate. Talk about any random shit. Believe you are interesting.

And get the girl.


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