Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good posture is attractive! The correct body posture is healthy as well attractive! Use your body to be a powerful magnet!

Wow, oh wow! are going to be educated today! This guy had made a list on postures that focus on body language (which is important for men) into easy read pointers so that you and me can understand in plain and simple, not to mention easy ways!
Body language is a big and important topic. It’s important because it is one of the easiest ways to create attraction. It is also important as it can kill attraction very quickly if you start slacking on it. This is this is one of the hardest topics to teach without a video – so I’ll probably put together a video at some point.

Today I’m just going to do a quick post about posture – i.e. your body language when you’re standing still. This is important because good posture is attractive. However a key to good posture being attractive is that it must look like naturally good posture. If it looks like you are forcing the posture, then you are working harder than the girl, and are therefore going to look less attractive to her. Also no one likes a stiff, so loosen the fuck up man ;)
Anyway, onto the specifics. And if you are thinking this is a really basic article, then yeah, you’re right. We’ll get to the specifics in time, don’t you worry. But do take this seriously – it is one of the ways to make yourself instantly much more attractive, so if you have bad posture, start work on this right now!

The bullet points of posture

  • Your chin should be parallel with ground, not slanted down like a lot of guys do these days. This looking down at the ground tends to go hand in hand with the inability to make steady eye contact, another absolute key to attraction.
  • If you are talking to someone, make eye contact. If you are not, look far out in front of you. If you are walking, keep your head held high, don’t look at the ground (unless the ground is uneven or you are on a rocky mountain pass or some shit…. then obviously look where you need to look). But don’t look down, look forward. Think of looking towards the horizon.
  • Lift your chest up. Imagine there is a cord tied around your breast bone (proper name the sternum, if you are interested) and it is pulling up towards the ceiling. Lift your chest.
  • At the same time as lifting your chest, pull your shoulders back and down, and then relax them. A good trick for this is to roll your shoulders back, then squeeze them up towards your ears but try to keep them as far backwards as well as squeezing them up (so you are squeezing them up and back at the same time). Then totally relax them and they will naturally sit further back. Magic.
  • Start doing core exercises and large multi joint exercises in the gym (i.e. bench press, squats, rows, pull downs, shoulder press, leg raises, planks etc.). These will not only help you get really fit, but will also start helping pull your joints into the right places naturally.
  • Start stretching regularly. If you do a desk job, pick up a copy of Stretching by Bob Anderson; and start working on the stretches to loosen out the muscles that will have naturally got tight from sitting for hours doing work. Pay paticualar attention to your shoulders being forward, your back tight and rounded from the slouching, and your neck being tight.
  • Let your arms hang at your sides. Consciously remove all tension from your arms and let them hang. Have your hands open and relaxed, or touch your middle finger to your thumb to help stop fidgeting.
  • Have you feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider, and point your feet forwards.
  • Every day for a week, do a wall stand to help build muscle memory for your posture. Stand with your heels, bum, back of shoulders, and back of head against the wall. Stand there for one minute. This is what it feels like to stand straight. If it feels weird, then you stoop and have bad body language. Fix it as a matter of priority. Try and remember how it feels, and fix your posture every time you notice it is bad throughout your day.
  • Learn to be still and don’t fidget
  • Lastly, consciously relax all your muscles as much as possible, without losing posture.
Recommended resources for this include the Alexander Technique, which is specifically focused on improving posture. Whether you check out Alexander Technique or not, fixing your posture should be high on your too doo list. Not only will it make you more attractive, it will make you seem more high status, which will carry over into your interactions at work and in your general social life. Much more importantly than any of these other things, it also will help you avoid a million back problems in later life. Reason enough to work on this? I think so too.

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