Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to get a REALLY HOT girl?

Guys, this is reallllyyyy interesting! Read on to know more....very good piece of article! (Tho I may not agree with the motives [especially for sex] behind this technique but I urge you to learn and make use of it in a responsible way). Learn but please be responsible with this knowledge. Here it is:

I’ve been getting questions asking how to get a really hot girl. In a nutshell, make yourself awesome, and don’t screw anything up. And with this in mind, we’re going to have a look at an area that guy’s commonly mess up with the really hot girls – the “middle bit”.
Have you ever been the following situation: it’s the middle of the first or second date, and you can already feel that girl slipping away from you. Or you might have also felt the same sinking feeling late at night in a bar or club. You met her and she seemed really into you, but as time went on, she seemed less and less interested. You’re not quite sure at what point it started to fizzle out, or what to do to try and save it without seeming weird or creeping her out. The only thing you are sure about is that this date is not currently heading towards a happy ending for either of you.

This is common problem for the grey area of the “middle bit” in-between meeting a girl, and having sex with her. And about 95% of the time, this is your fault. Yeah that’s right, eat those cherries. It’s normally your fault. There are times that the interaction fizzling may be out of your control, and there are times when it may be her fault for it fizzling, but in general this is normally the guy’s fault.
There are three common explanations for an initially good interaction fizzling like this.
  1. You have failed to keep up the attraction while you are getting to know her
  2. You have not managed to form a connection with her
  3. You have gone too long before getting physical, and she has sensed your nervousness about it.
Both of these reasons are you doing something wrong. But actually, this is good news. Because when it is you doing something wrong, you can learn to do it right. Therefore this problem you can fix. Here’s how:


For this middle bit, you need to be having a conversation where you can get to know her. In general, you therefore want to be alone with her – so get her alone! Take her on a date, or an instant date. If it is the first night you met her and you want to pull quickly, then try to get her to accompany you to the bar a few feet away from her friends. Just a few feet away is enough that the conversation will stop being between you and her group, and will be you and her. You need her friends not to be listening so you can actually get to know her, and not her “representative”.
Have you noticed the way most people behave differently depending on who they are talking to? Your best mate Dave will probably talk a different way to you, than he would talk to his boss. He would talk to the Queen of England a different way again. And to a famous actress he thought was really attractive, a different way still. I call this Dave’s multiple different representatives. They represent Dave the way he wants to be seen to each of these different people. We all do this to varying degrees. But when you are trying to seduce a girl you don’t want to be dealing with her representative, you want to get through to the real to her. And the best way to get her to dismiss her representatives is to talk to her one on one.

Let your guard down

You can’t connect with someone when you have your own representative doing the talking. If you are trying to make her laugh or impress her, she is not seeing the real you. Stop trying. Stop caring that she might not like certain bits of your personality and of who you are. Tell her about yourself without inhibition. It is pretty counterintuitive that telling a hot girl about both your cool side, and your geeky side, can be more attractive to her, but it’s true. The caveat to this of course, is you need to have worked on yourself so that you actually have a cool side. This is about learning to be your best self. The thought that a total geek with a few clever pickup and hypnosis lines can get really hot chicks is an illusion. It’s a male fantasy. The geeks who get the really hot girls get them because they have both a geeky and a cool side. But it is showing her the different sides of your personality that forms a really quick connection. And an attractive connection, leads to sex.

Give her a wide ranging picture of your life and history

So here’s the thing. Sometimes, you can meet a girl and be having sex in the club bathroom or in an alleyway within 10 minutes. Sometimes you can meet a girl though friends, and just form a super quick, mainly physical attraction to each other, and be tearing each other’s clothes off in half an hour. Sometimes a girl just loves your sense of humour, fashion sense, and confidence, and will be with you you in an hour without even knowing your second name.
These all happen. And more often than you think.
But here’s the problem: most romantic and sexual interactions, do not go like this. These are the exceptions, not the rules. But for many guys learning to be more attractive to the fairer sex, they get confused by these exceptions, and somehow think therefore than a girl doesn’t actually need to know anything about the guy before they can get down and dirty. They think they need to be attractive, and that’s all it takes.
Most of the time, this isn’t how it works (disappointing home truth, isn’t it!). A girl normally needs to know a base amount of things about you before she will sleep with you, and definitely needs to know this base amount of things about you before getting into a relationship with you.
However for me to teach this, quantifying exactly what a girl needs to know about you before she wants to be with you  is impossible, as the things she needs to know is different with every girl. Why? Because it’s all about the vibe she is feeling from you. Trust me, a girl isn’t going through a mental checklist in her mind saying “hmm, he’s really attractive, but he hasn’t told me his sisters middle name yet. I don’t know that much about him. I’m going to hold on for a bit longer before I let him kiss me.” No, no, no, no, no, no… Seriously, girls don’t think like that. But they do think “I don’t feel like I actually know him yet”.
So here is a rough list of what you need to work into the conversation at one point or another so a girl knows you. Like I already said, this isn’t an exact list, as every girl is different. But here is a guide for the things that most girls will need to know before they will be with you:
  • Your name
  • What’s your job, and do you like your job
  • How long you have lived where you currently live. Where you lived before.
  • Do you have brothers and sisters, and what are they like
  • What do you do in your free time / hobbies / sports
  • What’s your relationships with your family like
  • What are your friends like
  • What were your previous relationships like

Start touching early, keep touching throughout

This is a huge one. If you want to sleep with a girl, you need to get her used to your touch. I have slept with a lot of girls, and I have never been in the situation that I talked her into bed without touching her a shit-ton first.
Remember we are talking about the middle bit of an interaction here – typically you’ve been talking for an hour or two, or you are within the first few dates. So you now need to start prolonging touch. Leave your hand on her leg while your are talking to her. As you are walking gently guide her with your hand on her lower back. Depending on the girl, hold her hand (this one is actually surprisingly high risk – but try it anyway, and if she isn’t in to it, don’t apologise, just carry on as if it didn’t happen). Find reasons to touch her. If she removes your hand or shrugs you off, wait a few minutes, and try again. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

Verbally escalating

It is perfectly possible to take the conversation very sexual without actually verbally escalating. However escalating verbally is a guaranteed way to turn the conversation dirtier. By verbally escalating, I mean telling her that you find her attractive, that you find her sexy, and allowing your talk to get dirtier and dirtier. This can be gold, but can also be too much for some girls. Furthermore, sometimes you don’t need it, and it should never be done in front of her friends. I’m going to cover this in detail in a few weeks, but for now, try dropping in increasingly sexual compliments throughout the date. Start with “You look really sexy tonight”, and going from there.

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